Bridge over troubled water


Auteur(s)Simon and Garfunkel (Artiste de spectacle)

Titre(s)Bridge over troubled water / Simon and Garfunkel.

Editeur(s)Sony Music, P 2011.

ContientBridge over troubled water. - El condor pasa. - Cecilia. - Keep the customer satisfied. - So long, Frank Lloyd Wright. - The Boxer. - Baby driver. - The Only living boy in New York. - Why don't you write me. - Bye bye love. - Song for the asking. - Homeward bound. - At the zoo. - The 59th street bridge song. - Song for the asking. - For Emily, whenever I may find her. - Scarborough fair-canticle. - Mrs. robinson. - The Boxer. - Why don't you write me. - That silver-haired daddy of mine. - Bridge over troubled water. - The Sound of silence. - I am a rock. - Old friends. - Leaves that are green. - Kathy's song. - Songs of America (DVD). - The Harmony game (DVD).

NotesCD 1 Réédition de l'album 'Bridge over troubled water' pour son 40ème anniversaire CD 2 Enregistrements en public en novembre 1969.

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