The basement tapes raw


Auteur(s)Dylan, Bob (1941-...) (Artiste de spectacle)

Titre(s)The basement tapes raw / Bob Dylan and the band.

Editeur(s)Sony Music : Columbia, P 2014.

Collection(s)(The Bootleg series).

ContientOpen the door, Homer. - Odds and ends. - Million dollar bash. - One too many mornings. - I don't hurt anymore. - Ain't no more cane. - Crash on the Levee. - Tears of rage. - Dress it up, better have it all. - I'm not there. - Johnny Todd. - Too much of nothing. - Quinn the eskimo : restored version. - Get your rocks off. - Santa-Fe. - Silent weekend. - Clothes line saga. - Please Mrs. Henry. - I shall be released. - You ain't goin' nowhere. - Lo and behold!. - Minstrel boy. - Tiny Montgomery. - All you have to do is dream. - Goin' to Acapulco. - 900 miles from my home. - One for the road. - I'm alright. - Blowin' in the wind. - Apple suckling tree. - Nothing was delivered. - Folsom prison blues. - This wheel's on fire. - Yea! heavy and a bottle of bread. - Don't ya tell Henry. - Baby, won't you be my baby. - Sign on the cross. - You ain't goin' nowhere.

RésuméMéticuleusement restauré pour la première fois à partir des bandes master multi-pistes originales. Cette édition spéciale 2CD contient les temps forts du coffret The Basement Tapes Complete.

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BibliothèqueSectionLocalisationCoteSituationStatutDate retour
BLA/VauchrétienAdulteMusique9.852 DYLDisponibleEmpruntable


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Source : Last FM


Source : Wikipédia
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