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Brand new day

Auteur(s)Sting (1951-...) (Artiste de spectacle) (Parolier) (Compositeur) ;Kipper, Aksel (1907-1984) (Claviers) ;Miller, Dominique (Guitare) ;Katché, Manu (1958-...) (Batterie) ;Colaiuta, Vinnie (1956-...) (Batterie) ;Robello, Jason (Pianos) (Clarinette) ;Wonder, Stevie (1950-...) (Harmonica) ;Taylor, James (19..-... ; chef de choeur) (Chant) ;Mami, Cheb (Chant) ;Marsalis, Branford (1960-...) (Clarinette) ;Cinelu, Mino (1957-...) (Percussions) ;Cole, B. J. (1946-...) (Guitare)

Titre(s)Brand new day.

Editeur(s)I33587 : A&M Records, 1999.

ContientA thousand years. - Desert rose. - Big lie small world. - After the rain has fallen. - Perfect love... Gone wrong. - Tomorrow we'll see. - Prelude to the end of the game. - Fill her up. - Ghost story. - Brand new day. - EPK.

RésuméStyle : Pop - Rock Angleterre.

Sujet(s)Rock Pop

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Source : Last FM


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