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Auteur(s)Sting (1951-...) (Artiste de spectacle)

Titre(s)Symphonicities / Sting ; The Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra, The London Players, The New Chamber Consort.

Editeur(s)Universal, P 2010.

ContientNext to you. - Englishman in New York. - Every little thing she does is magic. - I hung my head. - You will be my ain true love. - Roxanne. - When we dance. - The End of the game. - I burn for you. - We work the black seam. - She's too good for me. - The Pirate's bride.


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BLA/VauchrétienAdulteMusique2 STI 86DisponibleEmpruntable


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Source : Last FM


Source : Wikipédia
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