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Auteur(s)Hauschka (Compositeur) ;O'Halloran, Dustin (1971-...) (Compositeur) ;Sia (1975-...)

Titre(s)Lion : the true story of a life lost and found : original motion picture soundtrack / Dustin O'Halloran, Hauschka.

Editeur(s)Sony Music, P 2016.

ContientNever give up / Sia. - Lion theme. - Train. - Lost [Part one]. - River. - Escape the station. - Orphans. - A new home. - Family. - School. - Memories. - Lost [Part two]. - Falling downward. - Searching for home. - Memory/connection/time. - Layers expanding time. - Home is with me. - Arrival. - Mother.

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Chaudefonds-sur-LayonAdulteMusique6.1 LIODisponibleEmpruntable


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Source : Last FM


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