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Final Fantasy XV

Auteur(s)Shimomura, Yoko (1967-...) (Compositeur)

Titre(s)Final Fantasy XV : unbreakable bonds / Yoko Shimomura.

Editeur(s)Sony Music, P 2016.

ContientSomnus [Instrumental version]. - Departure. - Broken down. - Hammerhead. - Wanderlust. - Encroaching fear. - Stand your ground. - Relax and reflect. - Day's end fanfare. - Horizon. - Safe haven. - Lurking danger. - Hunt or be hunted. - Cindy. - Urban chrome. - A quick pit stop. - Love lost. - Galdin quay. - Ardyn. - The aggressors. - Nox aeterna. - The hunters. - What lies within. - Daemons. - Bros on the road. - Fantastica !. - The niflheim. - Veiled in black. - Valse in fantastica. - Crystalline chill. - What a hoot. - Blues de chocobo. - Reel rumble. - The fight is on !. - Lestallum. - Welcome to the Leville. - Unsettling Aura. - Don't panic !. - Apocalypsis noctis. - Cosmogony. - Melancholia. - A premonition. - Nox divina. - Labyrinthine. - Flying R. - Imperial infiltration. - Veiled in black [Arrangement]. - Invidia. - Sorrow without solace. - Sunset waltz. - Disquiet. - Omnis lacrima. - Rodeo de chocobo. - Listen up. - Creeping shadows. - Impending peril. - Up for the challenge. - Cape caem. - Cape caem - Our new home. - Cape caem - Hidden harbor. - Bros on the road II. - Noctis. - Over the waves. - Altissia. - Altissia - Gondola ride. - Welcome to the Royal suite. - Starlit waltz. - Prayer de Luna. - No time left. - Song of the stars. - The hydracan's wrath. - Ardyn II. - Luna. - Apocalypsis aquarius. - Broken bonds. - Dining car. - Cartanica. - Relax and reflect - Pensive. - Careening into danger. - Tenebrae. - Horrors of the night. - End of the road. - An empire in ruins. - Ravus aeterna. - In the light of the crystal. - A world unwaking. - Neverending nightmare. - Homecoming. - Hammerhead - The last bastion. - Somnus. - Hellfire. - Magna insomnia. - Dawn. - Somnus ultima. - Dewdrops at dawn. - Main theme from Final fantasy.

RésuméLa bande-originale de l'opus de l'une des plus grandes franchises du jeu vidéo a été composée par Yoko Shimomura. Née en 1967 au Japon et diplomée de l'école de musique d'Osaka en 1988, elle a commencé sa carrière de compositrice de musique de jeux chez Capcom, où elle se fit un nom rapidement. Elle a notamment composé la bande originale de Street fighter II, Kingdom hearts ou encore Mario and Luigi: Dream Team Bros.

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BibliothèqueSectionLocalisationCoteSituationStatutDate retour
Rochefort-sur-LoireAdulteMusique5.23 FINDisponibleEmpruntable


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Source : Last FM


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